What is RCS Messaging?

Rich Communication Services is a communication protocol between mobile telephone carriers and between phone and carrier, aiming at providing a better experience than SMS messaging, with a text-message system that is richer and can transmit in-call multimedia.

RCS Business Messaging (RBM) is the B2C (A2P in telecoms terminology) version of RCS. While RCS is designed to win back Person-to-Person (P2P) traffic, RBM is intended to retain and grow this A2P traffic. RCS offers “rich” features similar to those of messaging apps

Why is Verification important ?

Users pay extra attention to messages with the verified tick. They have a significantly higher trust and will interact more with a trusted brand compared to an unverified sender.

Allow your customers to interact with your company knowing that you are a verified brand, allowing for higher retention and conversion of your campaigns.

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